
Presentation, like functionality, is covered in depth in a separate document: G:\Projects\TripleC\enc2teip5\0.1 Manual\MRWs on CCC\MRWs on CCC.docx. Therefore, the following remarks suffice here.

As stated above on several occasions, Brill MRW staff needs to be able to influence the presentation of MRW publications. There are several ways to do this, going from generic to specific:

This manual is largely concerned with the creation of generic XML mechanisms to influence stylesheets. We encountered three major ways to accomplish this:

  1. Font representations: italics, small caps, etc. Use of @rendition in combination with <rendition> in <tagsDecl>.
  2. Representation of (characters in the correct) fonts. Use of @xml:lang in combination with <languages> in <langUsage>.
  3. Representation of properties of e.g. tables and writing systems. Use of @style in combination with CSS values (value pairs, value triples).

Note that there is a problem with @rendition: the TEI Epidoc customization only allows @rend. So if a document validates against both the generic TEI schema (tei_all.rng) and the Epidoc schema (tei-epidoc.rng) it is not possible to use @rendition; instead, use @rend.