Bibliographic data in BPT


First, a terminological point: following the Chicago Manual of Style, we distintuish between inline citations and end-of-text references.



Citations in BPT

A citation in BPT is a combination of citekey and place.

For example @West_2020 pp. 34-45

In this example @West_2020 is the citekey and pp. 34-45 is the place, the location in the referred work. The location is free. The citekey is restricted:

References in BPT

There is a definition of the mandatory and optional fields per publicartion type. It can be found here.

Here is an example

- author:
  - family: Zimmerman
    given: B.
  container-title: Brill's New Pauly
  container-title-short: BNP
  id: Zimmerman2004
  - year: 2004
  publisher-place: Leiden
  title: Euphantus
  type: entry-encyclopedia
  volume: 5

All references in BPT sit in a bibl block:

[bunch of references]

A bibl block may occur anywwhere within a textpart.


At Brill, we used YAML format and CSL fields for bibliographies.

YAML basically consists of pairs of keys and values. See the official site for more information. Also check this linter.

CSL stands for Citation Style Language. It is used for styling (not a concern in BPT) but in order to style, it defines semantic elements. These are the keys in BPT references. See the official site for more information.

pointers and anchors

How to create pointers and anchors in BPT?


This is a pointer:

see the [Biographical Essay](#Biographical-Essay) below.

Note that the anchors can have no upper case and no spaces; replace them by hyphens.

In this example, the header (in Markdown, of course) is # Biographical Essay. This gets transformed into an HTML ID that acts as anchor. Is this mechanism sufficiently generic and robust?


In the example above, the anchor is created automatically in the transformation from MarkDown into HTML. Or you might say that the MarkDown header acts as anchor.

What if there is no header? In those chose, a dedicated anchor is created. This is done as follows:

This is (in Pandoc Markdown) an alternative way of writing a head, and so makes uses of the md2html mechanism described above.

The pointer in this example is #phrase-that-needs-anchor.

Markup in bibliographic data

What to do if a title contains text in italics or superscript? We use the following tags: